Blog of Pulitzer Prize Nominated Author, Jory Sherman. Get the latest information on his books, appearances and his candid reflections on writing.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Over the years, I have discovered that a great many people have a desire to take up writing.

They all have stories to tell.

For each of us is a born storyteller. That's what humans do. They "tell" stories.

But, many do not write these stories down so that others might read and learn something of life. Many of these people tell me that someday they want to write about their adventures in life.

What's holding them back?

They are afraid.

They are all afraid to sit down and start writing.

So, to these people, and you, I say, do not be afraid to sit down and start writing. In fact, if you do just that, you are a writer, and you will write. Without fear.

Part of the lessons I give on my CD, THE MAGIC OF WRITING, deals with this fear right off the bat. It is the single biggest obstacle to any beginning writer.

The CD is designed to remove this obstacle and all others, from your path to writing success. My course has proven itself over the years. I have helped many to become writers, and for those who already are writers, remove so-called "writer's block" for the rest of their lives.

The lessons are easy to follow, and if you do as instructed you will be writing in minutes and you will never lack for stories to tell and ways to tell them.

This is truly a remarkable CD and I urge all fearful beginners, and teachers of any grade in school, to try my methods and see for yourselves the immediate and positive results.

For a limited time, I am offering the complete set of lessons on THE MAGIC OF WRITING CD for a very low price. The price will go up, after this introductory offer, so please take advantage of it at this low, low price.

In case you missed the announcement on my website, here is an ad that will provide the necessary information. And, you can view the Introduction on my website, FREE OF CHARGE.

Just click on the CD to play the presentation.

Anyone can learn to write. With my method, you will discover the magic of writing and produce stories, novels, essays, articles and poems for the rest of your life.

I guarantee it.


For Teachers
For Beginning Writers

You can learn to write or teach writing with this fantastic new CD, THE MAGIC OF WRITING, in 5 easy lessons! Plays on your computer, complete with animation, sound effects, easy to follow instructions. To be sold at $59.95, this special offer is only $39.95. Lessons that will last a lifetime and remove all obstacles in your path.

Order now and be writing your story or novel, your memoir, essay, or article in minutes! Hurry while this offer lasts!
